Hair Transplants: How Do They Work? Read More Here:

Beat the balding, now!

For a lot of people, hair transplants are the only known remedy for male or female pattern baldness, but there’s now a new, easier, and less expensive method to regain a healthy head of hair. 

Regenera Activa is backed by numerous clinical studies that testify to its safety and effectiveness at a price point that makes it accessible for everyone. 

Losing your hair may be a natural process, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. Fight back against nature with the most natural hair regrowth procedure available in Western Australia at Dr. Salon. Dr. Tammy Tai was the first Physician to bring this amazing technology to Perth, with proven results!

Regenera Activa 

Regenera Activa is an innovative non-surgical, relatively painless, and natural way to grow your hair back to its former glory and fight female and male pattern baldness. A recent welcome to the hair loss industry, Regenera Activa is an FDA-approved treatment that is fast becoming the most popular solution for female and male pattern baldness.

How it works

Regenera Activa works by taking autologous micro-grafts and using them to stimulate hair growth in affected areas. In other words, we take a sample of your very own stem cells from the dermis and implant them back into the areas of the scalp affected by hair loss to stimulate the weakened follicles to regenerate and produce denser, stronger hair.

The micro-grafts contain progenitor cells with growth factors that naturally stimulate hair growth, meaning your hair follicles are being repaired not replaced, resulting in a relatively painless, more natural regeneration process. 

What are the benefits?

There are plenty of benefits to choosing Regenera Activa. Here are some of the most notable advantages.

Firstly, Regenera Activa is minimally invasive requiring a punch biopsy taken from a donor site, usually behind the ear. This makes the procedure relatively painless unlike the traditional harvesting and grafting of hair transplants. That’s a great start! 

Secondly, Regenera Activa is fast. With a treatment session usually taking less than an hour, you don’t have to spend hours receiving uncomfortable hair grafts over multiple sessions. That’s right, you will only need one, one-hour session. 

Thirdly, Regenera Activa is completely safe, receiving approval from health regulatory boards such as the US FDA and European Conformity, meaning the procedure has gone through widespread clinical trials. This further serves to support the effectiveness of the procedure.

Who benefits from Regenera Activa?

Regenera Activa is most beneficial for people who are in the early stages of hair loss or don’t suffer from extreme alopecia as their hair follicles may already be too damaged to regenerate effectively.

Regenera Activa is used in combination with other hair loss treatments to stimulate growth in areas where others have failed. Because it’s a natural process of regeneration, it can be used in conjunction with other procedures.

Until you start experiencing hair loss yourself, chances are you’ve never really investigated what hair transplants involve, we know one thing for sure, whilst they may be effective, they are extremely costly, requiring lengthy downtime. 

How effective are hair transplants?

Because hair transplants use your existing hair follicles to cultivate growth, if you have extensive thinning of the hair, then the results you experience may be unsatisfactory. Not to mention, the skill of your surgeon will play a big part in the outcome.


The two most common types of hair transplant methods are Follicle Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicle Unit Extraction (FUE). The main difference between the two methods is the way the hair follicles are harvested. Deciding on which method can depend entirely on the type of hair loss you are experiencing.

Who would benefit from hair transplants?

Typically, hair transplants are sought by females and males who have advanced hair loss with considerable baldness and thinning of hair. However, this also leaves less healthy hair follicles to harvest. Action against hair loss is best taken early in the balding cycle.

How long is the downtime?

With traditional hair transplants, the procedure can take hours, even days to complete, depending on the level of balding and the amount of work required. Additionally, recovery can also be painful and inconvenient as painkillers are commonly needed post-treatment and bandages need to be worn for a few days.

Some level of scarring is also unavoidable using either technique or depending on the skill of your surgeon, may end up being noticeably permanent. 

How does Regenera Activa compare?

There are plenty of benefits to choosing Regenera Activa. Here are some of the most notable advantages.

Firstly, Regenera Activa is minimally invasive requiring a tiny 2.5mm biopsy from the dermis (this can vary per client and treatment). This makes the procedure relatively painless unlike the traditional harvesting and grafting of hair transplants. That’s a great start! 

Secondly, Regenera Activa is fast. With a treatment session usually taking less than an hour, you don’t have to spend hours receiving uncomfortable hair grafts over multiple sessions. That’s right, you will only need one one-hour session.

Thirdly, Regenera Activa is completely safe, receiving approval from health regulatory boards such as the US FDA and European Conformity, meaning the procedure has gone through widespread clinical trials. This further serves to support the effectiveness of the procedure.

Want to know more? Call us today to make an appointment for a consult with the first Physician to bring Regenera Activa technology to Perth, Dr. Tammy Tai.

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