Venus Viva is a non-surgical skin resurfacing device that employs radiofrequency (RF) technology to enhance the texture and appearance of the skin. By utilising tiny pins that deliver RF energy, Venus Viva targets the deeper layers of the skin without damaging the surface. This controlled heating stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential proteins for youthful skin, promoting a smoother and firmer complexion.

Venus Viva is commonly used for various skin concerns and effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and mouth. Additionally, it helps improve the look of acne scars, including both atrophic and hypertrophic scars. The treatment enhances overall skin texture, making it smoother and more youthful, and also addresses enlarged pores, reducing their size and giving the skin a refined appearance.


From $500

Venus Viva Radio Frequency cosmetic clinic perth skincare


What To Expect

Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, it is essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or licensed practitioner. They can assess your specific needs, skin type, and condition, providing personalized recommendations and ensuring the most suitable and safe treatment approach for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon will I see my results?

While Venus Viva provides mild skin tightening effects, especially in the early stages of skin laxity, it’s important to note that the results can vary from person to person. Typically, a series of treatments is recommended to achieve optimal results, with the exact number of sessions determined by the individual’s skin condition and desired outcome.

What happens after my Viva Venus treatment?

The intensity of the treatment can be adjusted based on the individual’s skin type and specific concerns, ensuring precise and tailored results. Unlike more invasive procedures, Venus Viva typically involves minimal downtime. Patients might experience temporary redness and swelling, which usually subside within a few days after the treatment.

Is Venus Viva suitable for my skin type and concerns?

Not all treatments are suitable for every skin type or condition. One of our friendly practitioners will assess your skin and determine if Venus Viva is the right choice for you.

What are the side effects of Viva Venus?

Venus Viva is generally considered safe, but like any cosmetic procedure, it can have potential side effects. It’s important to discuss these with your practitioner before undergoing the treatment. Common side effects of Venus Viva may include:

  1. Redness: Mild to moderate redness of the treated area is common immediately after the procedure. This redness usually subsides within a few days.
  2. Swelling: Some swelling can occur, especially if more intensive settings are used during the treatment. Swelling is usually temporary and should diminish within a few days.
  3. Heat Sensation: During the procedure, you might feel a warm or hot sensation on your skin due to the radiofrequency energy. This is normal and generally well-tolerated.
  4. Mild Discomfort: Some patients might experience mild discomfort or a tingling sensation during the treatment. However, most people find the procedure tolerable.
  5. Dryness and Peeling: As the skin heals, you might experience dryness and peeling. This is a natural part of the skin renewal process and should be temporary.
  6. Bruising: In rare cases, bruising can occur, especially if the skin is sensitive. This side effect is usually minimal and temporary.
  7. Infection: Although rare, there is a small risk of infection after any skin procedure. It’s crucial to follow post-treatment care instructions to minimize this risk.
  8. Changes in Pigmentation: Changes in skin pigmentation, such as hyperpigmentation (darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening), are rare but possible. Individuals with darker skin tones are more prone to these changes.
  9. Scarring: While Venus Viva is designed to promote skin healing, in rare cases, there could be scarring, especially if the treated area is not cared for properly after the procedure.
  10. Allergic Reactions: Though uncommon, some individuals might have an allergic reaction to the topical products used during the procedure.

Before & After