Micrografting, or Hair Transplantation, is a minimally invasive treatment using capillary rejuvenation therapy to combat androgenetic alopecia and promote skin rejuvenation using autologous micro-grafts obtained from the patient’s tissue. The process begins with carefully selecting and extracting micrografts, ensuring that they maintain their integrity and viability during the procedure. Once the micrografts are prepared, they are strategically transplanted into the recipient areas affected by hair thinning or baldness.

Micrografting offers several advantages over traditional hair transplant methods, including minimal scarring, the tiny incisions created for graft placement are virtually undetectable, and faster recovery times compared to older techniques. This results in a more natural-looking finish as the micrografts mimic the natural growth pattern of the patient’s hair.


From $3,000

Micrograft - Implant cosmetic clinic perth skincare


What To Expect

Frequently Asked Questions

Does hair loss treatment work?

Micrografting hair loss treatment, also known as micrograft hair transplantation, is a proven and effective method for addressing hair loss and restoring natural hair density. The success of this treatment depends on several factors including:

  • The Graft Quality: The extraction and preparation of micrografts are essential to ensure their viability and successful transplantation.
  • Recipient Site Placement: Precise placement of the micrografts in the recipient areas is crucial for achieving a natural-looking outcome.
  • Post-Operative Care: Proper post-operative care, including following instructions for wound care, can influence the success of the procedure.

Who is micro-grafting for?

Micrografting hair treatment is typically suitable for individuals who are experiencing hair loss or thinning and are seeking a surgical solution to restore hair density and improve their overall appearance.

What are the benefits of micrografting?

Micrografting, also known as micrograft hair transplantation, offers several benefits for individuals seeking a solution for hair loss:

  • Natural-Looking Results: Micrografts consist of small groups of hair follicles, mimicking the natural growth pattern and providing a seamless and realistic appearance.
  • Minimised Scarring: The tiny incisions made for graft placement are virtually undetectable, resulting in minimal scarring.
  • Effective Hair Restoration: Micrografts can effectively restore hair density in areas affected by hair loss.
  • Customisation: The treatment can be customised to meet individual needs and goals, addressing specific areas of concern.
  • Fast Recovery: Recovery time is relatively short, with most patients able to return to regular activities within a few days.
  • Low Risk: Micrografting is considered a safe procedure when performed by an experienced surgeon, with minimal risk of complications.
  • Improved Self-Confidence: Restoring a full head of hair can boost self-esteem and enhance overall confidence.
  • Versatile: Micrografting can be used to address various types of hair loss, including male and female pattern baldness, scarring, and thinning hair.

When will I see the results from the micrografting treatment?

Results from micrografting (hair transplant) vary, but initial improvements are noticeable immediately after the procedure. Expect some initial shedding, followed by early signs of new hair growth in a few months. Significant improvements are typically seen between 3 to 6 months, with full and mature results appearing around 12 to 18 months post-treatment.

Individual outcomes can differ based on factors such as the extent of hair loss and personal response to the procedure. Maintenance and proper care are crucial for long-lasting results. Consulting with our specialists can provide a more accurate timeline based on your unique situation.

Before & After