Hyalase, also known as hyaluronidase, is an enzyme used as a filler dissolver in cosmetic procedures that is employed to break down and dissolve hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers that have been previously injected into the skin. A filler dissolver is used when patients desire an adjustment or reversal of the filler effects, or complications arise due to overfilling or asymmetry.

It works by breaking down the hyaluronic acid molecules in the filler, allowing the body’s natural processes to absorb and metabolize the material. This enzyme helps to expedite the process of reversing the effects of dermal fillers, restoring the treated area to its pre-filler state.


From $150

Filler Dissolver cosmetic clinic perth skincare injections


What To Expect

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does filler dissolver take to dissolve?

Immediately after the injections, your filler will begin breaking down and softening, although to see your filler completely dissolved may take up to 2 weeks. This can vary between clients based on the location of filler and the amount of filler to be dissolved.

How many treatments will I need?

Clients should be aware that achieving desired corrections might involve multiple treatments over time. The number of sessions can vary based on filler type, volume of dermal filler injected, and how long the filler has been present.

Older, larger volumes of filler could need 3 to 4 sessions spaced two weeks apart for full resolution, while most cases achieve pleasing results in 1 or 2 sessions.

Can all dermal fillers be dissolved?

Not all dermal fillers can be dissolved. The dissolving agent is effective only on temporary fillers composed of natural substances, which are commonly used for cheek and lip augmentation. However, semi-permanent fillers like collagen stimulators cannot be reversed using this method.

Will it dissolve my natural Hyaluronic Acid?

This concern is quite common when discussing the dissolving process and often requires clarification. The enzyme used to dissolve filler can affect both natural and injected hyaluronic acid. However, our skin’s natural hyaluronic acid replenishes quickly, with a half-life of around 24 hours, so any natural hyaluronic acid dissolved is rapidly corrected.

What is recovery like?

Aftercare for filler dissolver involves a short recovery period with initial swelling, lasting around 24 to 48 hours in areas like lips and under eyes. Once swelling subsides, the volume loss from dissolved filler becomes evident, often with immediate improvements. Some areas may have temporary skin laxity due to puffy or misplaced filler.

Other post-injection effects can include mild to moderate redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising, and tenderness, typically resolving within a few days. It is important to adhere to specific aftercare instructions for a smooth and successful recovery.

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