Lipodissolve (also known as Fat Dissolving Injections or Double Chin Reduction) is a non-surgical injectable solution designed to diminish excess chin fullness. Previously, addressing submental fullness primarily involved surgical methods like liposuction, or non-surgical in-clinic approaches employing handheld devices or intensive weight-loss regimes with potentially modest outcomes.
Our innovative double chin reduction treatment involves precise injections into the targeted fat beneath the chin, initiating a gradual and permanent fat cell elimination process. Once eradicated, these cells lose their capacity to store or amass fat, leading to a more sculpted jawline with enhanced definition and angles.
Consultation Required
Our injectors are fully trained and certified so you can expect nothing but the best from our team! Before each treatment, you will have a consultation to discuss your concerns and to cover what to expect during and after the procedure, and any additional appointments you may need.
Once destroyed, those cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. Most patients experience visible improvements in the appearance of their chin profile within two to four treatments. A minimum of two treatments is recommended, and up to six treatments may be administered, spaced at least four to six weeks apart.
Fat dissolving injections are made up of an acid that is naturally present in the body and functions to break down and absorb dietary fat. The role it plays in the body is exactly what we aim to achieve with the treatment, to dissolve fat.
The double chin reduction treatment is injected into the fat under the chin and slowly begins to permanently destroy the fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. After the desired aesthetic outcome has been attained, no further treatments are required.
Fat dissolving injections are considered safe as they are a non-surgical treatment to eliminate fat cells under the chin. Side effects may involve temporary skin numbness in the chin area and the presence of swelling, bruising and tenderness at the injection site.
You can continue your usual daily activities immediately after treatment. There may be some pain and discomfort, bruising, swelling and redness after the procedure. Swelling may persist for up to four to six weeks after the treatment. Do not drink alcohol or participate in strenuous exercise as this may result in additional bruising.
No, fat dissolving injections are not an effective treatment for cellulite reduction. They are designed to eliminate pockets of stubborn fat located beneath the skin.
The treatment consists of very small injections in your chin. The typical treatment time for a double chin is around 15 to 20 minutes.
No, fat dissolving injections are not designed as a weight loss solution and are best used to target specific areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.
Depending on your chin’s profile, your goals and expectations, it may require between two to five sessions of injections for you to get the results you desire.
Fat dissolving injections are most effective in smaller fat deposits such as the chin and jaw, cheeks, upper arms, armpits, smaller abdominal deposits, love handles and knee pads.
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