5 Proven Benefits For Luscious Hair and Glowing Skin!

A youthful glow, radiant skin, and luxurious, voluminous hair… Yes, please! Bid farewell to uneven skin tone and texture, and wave goodbye to flat and lifeless hair, all thanks to the transformative power of PRP injections. Unlock a whole new level of confidence and beauty with this cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment.

What are PRP Injections?

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections are a form of regenerative medicine that harnesses our body’s ability to heal itself and amplify the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissue. It is most commonly used to treat problems such as torn tendons and ligaments, however, can also be highly effective in promoting hair growth and rejuvenating your skin.

PRP Injections Benefits

  • All Natural: PRP injections use each patient’s healing system to activate your body’s natural healing process.
  • Can Treat Delicate and Difficult-to-Reach Areas: PRP is extremely effective for treating difficult-to-treat areas, such as the delicate under-eye area where clients often first notice signs of aging. However, a laser cannot be used in such areas, thus PRP therapy acts as a perfect alternative.
  • Limited Side Effects: Injections are created from your blood, so your body will not reject or react negatively to them.
  • Minimal Healing Time: After receiving PRP treatment, a person can usually return to their regular activities without any limitations.
  • Non-Surgical: PRP Therapy only requires simple injections into the desired area of treatment, so it’s not highly invasive and doesn’t involve cutting.

How Do PRP Injections Work?

First, let’s differentiate between plasma and platelets: plasma is the liquid portion of whole blood; platelets are blood cells that cause blood clots and other necessary growth healing functions. PRP therapy uses injections of a concentration of your platelets to accelerate the healing of injuries, or degenerated tissues in the body.

PRP is injected in the mid to deep dermis layer of the skin using a similar technique to many other types of cosmetic filler treatments you may already be used to. The treatment will begin working under the skin immediately, generating new cells to help improve the surface layers of the skin.

For Hair Loss:

PRP injections are helpful in both preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth by accelerating tissue repair. Numerous studies have found that participants experienced an increase in the diameter of hairs and density of hair growth – hello thicker hair!

The frequency of receiving this treatment will vary for each person and the result of their initial treatment, but it is recommended to receive maintenance injections every 3-6 months.

For Facial Rejuvenation:

PRP Therapy for skin rejuvenation is scientifically proven to refresh, tone, and tighten your appearance by repairing the elasticity, colour and quality of your skin. PRP treatments improve your skin tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, and dark circles by boosting your natural collagen production to stimulate a youthful glow. And it’s all non-surgical too!

Results from PRP Therapy are extremely natural-looking and subtle, and results can last up to two years. How low maintenance is that?!

PRP Injections Procedure

  • Consultation: Before every procedure you undergo here at Dr Salon, you will have a consultation with one of our skincare professionals. They will evaluate your current skin conditions, address your specific concerns, and determine if this procedure is appropriate for your skin goals.
  • Preparation: Our highly trained registered nurses and doctors will draw blood from a vein in your arm, place the blood sample in a centrifuge to separate its components, and extract the platelets using a syringe.
  • Procedure: The platelet-rich plasma will be injected back into your skin using superficial injections. Treatments can take up to 45 minutes and the area is numbed for your comfort.
  • Aftercare: Your skin care specialist will provide you with specific aftercare instructions following the procedure. This includes gently massaging the treated area, avoiding exercise, hot showers, and prolonged sun exposure for 48 hours post-treatment, and a few more things to remember.

PRP injections are an amazing option for you to achieve your skin and hair goals. Non-invasive and all-natural, PRP treatments have been proven to rejuvenate your skin by promoting even skin tone and texture and reducing dark circles and fine lines, as well as stimulating hair growth and regeneration.

If you’re looking to revitalise your appearance with radiant skin and luscious hair, PRP injections are the perfect solution for you. Book a consultation with one of our skincare experts to find out whether this procedure is appropriate for you, and get started on finding the best version of you!

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